Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday before church...

Sure we were a few minutes late but it was totally worth it! Too bad Joey was already there for meetings...but that's what Photoshop is for, right?! and to make me thinner

love my little chicks...

and Yay for matching girls!!!

Emree loves Rita

Have I mentioned how much Emree loves Rita??? And how much Rita loves Emree??? This girl is AH-MAZING! She will whisk Rita right out of my arms and go entertain her whenever she gets the chance. The other night Emree called me into her room asking me to come look at her doll and this is what I found....The two of them cuddling so cute! I'm so glad they have eachother! I can just wait until Rita's getting into all sorts of things in Emree's room because she thinks Emree is so cool...Emree might not be laughing then.

Wet and Wild

This girlie loves her bath time...
And I love her clean little body after... so cute!

Tough to be Rita




Summer isn't Summer without Miami

We love going down to Miami during Summer! And let's just say I did a horrible time documenting this trip...sorry.

We visited Chi Chi and Maria's condo on the way down...So fun!

The kids basically spent tons of time in the pool while we were down there...made me happy to see the kids playing in the pool that I played in growing up!
Happy girl Pita...
Emree relaxing...

Sweet boy Rye Rye...He kind of looks like his floatie...
Emree and Rett playing all sorts of games they made up...
We had so much fun down there! Swimming, eating yummy things, visiting family... We loved it!

Who could ask for more?

After swim lessons were done we were ready to start playing! So we hit the beach! It was Rita's first time! It was so fun....but good grief was it a lot of gear for me!! It was such a perfect Summer day though...wish I could have frozen time.

Rita trying to make sense of all of this...

Rett had fun digging...

Rye was a crazy man... He, Rett, and Emree literally spent almost three hours jumping the waves! Needless to say they were exhausted the ride home.

Emree said she was dying to get in the shower because of the chunks of sand in her suit...but this girl does love the beach!