Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thirty, Flirty, and Thriving!!

I thought about this day for a whole year and it finally came...

Yesterday was my 30th birthday! I can't even believe it!

I thought I was fine about it...
I went for a dark early morning run and listened to songs like Tim McGraw's, My Next Thirty Years and Jay-Z's, Thirtysomething (I'm sure he would be embarassed if he knew I had his song on my ipod)... I was feeling good about thirty...
until my sister-in-law, Karen, called me and told me how she felt strange on her 30th....then I burst into tears and told her that yes, it does feel a little strange turning that first digit...and not quite as happy and exciting as it did when it went from a one to a two...She told me when she turned 30 that she wanted to act immature so she told me to go out and buy the shiny leggings I've been looking at that I thought might be too young for me...

I didn't buy the leggings...
But Joey did get me an iphone that makes me feel very youthful...
The day was great...went to my favorite place (Disney) with my favorite peeps (Joey & kids...had to say peeps because that's what young people do) and I ate my little heart out at Epcots Food & Wine Festival...
Thanks for all the calls and texts to help me celebrate!!


Erika Anderson said...

Oh happy birthday, eva! You may be 30, but you still are a young, hip, relevant, and amazing girl... chiquita...senorita...chick...babe...youngster...etc!

kara jo haught said...

Happy happy birthday Eva dear... happy days will come to you all year... if i had one wish then it would be... a happy happy birthday to you from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tillia said...

Happy Birthday!! I turned 30 this year too and it is just weird because I still feel 20. Just be happy you are a hot 30, that has to be a comfort.
You are awesome and you can totally rock 30!!

The Harts said...

Happy B-day EVA!!! Welcome to the club!!! 30 is the new 21 - or that's what I keep telling myself :)

Daniel and Emily Munns said...

You make me feel so young... I am still in my twenties!! But I do have more grey hair than you so you can feel good about that!

david johnson said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SEXY GODDESS!!!! oh my gosh...the thirties were so totally fun! It is the time when you no longer care what people say/think about is so freeing! I loved it!

You are totally look better than ever, you are an amazing it up! you are the best!
Happy birthday wonder woman. I love you tons! love, trisha

Amanda Wilson said...

Happy Birthday Eva! You look amazing for 30. I wish I could have stayed down there to help you celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Eva, Happy Birthday! OMG i can't believe how long it's been since I've talked to you. (I came across your blog while I was on Catherine's.) You look amazing and your family is just beautiful. I'm so happy for you and Joey. Hope to talk to ya soon.

Linnea said...

I am jealous...that is what you were busy with in the car this morning!!!

Julia said...

Happy Birthday, Eva! I think women in their thirties are secure, smart, talented and hot! Rock on, girl!