Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Break '09

Woohoo! Once again we went down to Miami for a few days during our Spring Break...we had a good time even though little Rye Rye got a little sick sick...103temp!!
This is at Nana Banana and Popi's house....

We went to the Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Science and saw an IMAX movie and played in the museum for an kids were excited to be in a museum like one of their favorite movies...

The inside of a cockpit...The kids could have stayed in there for a while...

Rett was excited about seeing dinosaurs and kept saying how his friend Jake would love them...

Popi being "hands on" with the kids...

Rye riding a tractor that they had explaining was really cute...

Rett up in some sort of tree thing...

Emree making the most insane bubbles...we've found a talent...I think we could go to Vegas with it...

The other highlight after coming back home was going to the beach...I don't go that often but, it was such a beautiful day and we had so much fun that we're craving it again...

Playing Hookie

My kids have not missed one day of school this year for being sick but, for reasons like going to Disney, many... Here is one day when Eric and Karen came down with the girls and we played...

There is a barber shop on Main Street where, for free, they spray confetti and pixie dust in your hair...So fun!...And it looks scary in pictures but, by the end of the day it had fallen out of their hair...
These two silly girls...

Pretending to be Anastasia and Drizzela (sp?)...

Soooo much better than school!...

Louis blessing

We went up to Gainesville the beginning of March for little Louis blessing.
We went to a park and celebrated my mom's birthday with the whole family. The highlight was we shared a pavilion with this large black family that was having a get together. They had a little boom box and provided a nice soundtrack to our activities...Sexual Healing, Let's Get It On, and Secret Lovers... An evening we will never forget!
Rye swingin'...

Emree and Edesse...
Karen made yummy brownies...

Yay! A family picture...I'll take one of those whenever possible...

ooooh, pretty ladies...

Fun weekend!

Joey and some guys....

Every year Disney does ESPN The Weekend and they have all sorts of stuff going on and they broadcast all sorts of shows. Joey went to a couple this year...I know, terribly exciting...
This is joey with some guy that has a radio talk show that Joey listens to everyday while working...Joey said people were jealous of this picture...oh yeah, me too babe....

Joey with some guy that played at Texas...hand symbols gave it away...
Joey with some other guy that Joey said is built like steel...babe, you could soooo take him...
Glad he went and that I didn't have to go with him!