Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tears and Teachers

It was sad leading up to the first day of school. The week before we would say, "This is the last Monday of Summer." and then the next day "This is the last Tuesday of Summer." and so forth...We made the most of it and went to Disney three times that week...yay!

FYI I don't let my kids know how much I dread school to start. So I put on a happy front for them, otherwise they would hate school and I would convince myself to homeschool them and instead we would go to Disney everyday. Probably not a good idea!

And then the dreaded (atleast for me) day came...

This is what Rye and I thought of them leaving us for seven hours...

We do miss them. But they are so happy loving their teachers, making new friends, and most importantly learning about things other than Disney!

1 comment:

Linnea said...

I love that you do the signs with the pictures. And I think homeschooling them and going to Disney would be a great education!