Monday, August 2, 2010

Emree loves Rita

Have I mentioned how much Emree loves Rita??? And how much Rita loves Emree??? This girl is AH-MAZING! She will whisk Rita right out of my arms and go entertain her whenever she gets the chance. The other night Emree called me into her room asking me to come look at her doll and this is what I found....The two of them cuddling so cute! I'm so glad they have eachother! I can just wait until Rita's getting into all sorts of things in Emree's room because she thinks Emree is so cool...Emree might not be laughing then.


trishabarry said...

THIS IS TOTALLY PRECIOUS!!!! I love that they want to be together! so sweet!!!! they are beautiful!!!

The Fredericks said...

i love it- they are such cute little friends :)

aleksi said...

that is darling. its so special to be a sister.