Saturday, November 13, 2010

Off to Wonderland!

Halloween 2010
Alice in Wonderland

I really didn't know if I was going to be able to pull it off this year! Rita is a busy little baby! She was like a ticking time bomb every time I started working on costumes! I would just try to get as much done as I could until she couldn't take it any longer. I did have help one morning from Emily who let me sew away while she watched Rita at her house. It was a glorious 4 hours and I was able to get my Queen of Hearts costume done... Thanks Emily! I owe you!

The camera was in some weird manual mode so this picture is gross. Yes, I almost cried when I realized it because our family photographer had already left to dress her cute little Jack of hearts!

ahhh, now these colors are a lot better...

Emree: "You're late for a very important date!"

Seriously we love going to Disney for Halloween. No one does it better.

Joey always remains in character. No matter what.

Emree made the prettiest little Alice.

Rita made the cutest happiest bunny ever.

The King and Queen.

And can I just tell you how many times I laughed walking behind Joey. The hat made him so ridiculously tall. You couldn't miss him.
The things this guy will to do please me...tights, makeup, wigs, huge hats, uncomfortable costumes, is there a limit??

Disney brings out characters during the Halloween party that aren't out during the year... I was excited to see this witch. Do you know what from???
Well a BIG FAT CHECK on Halloween!! Yay!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


So it was brought to my attention today by a really *special* friend that I seriously needed to update my blog.
I knew I needed to, but I just kept putting it off and putting it off. Ugh.
I just wish the pictures would upload themselves!

So I'm playing catch up!

Rett turned 7! He had a great birthday! We went to a Disney hotel, swam, ate, and played in their arcade. A perfect night for a 7 year old!

We said goodbye to Mitchell for two years. So. Sad. well it would be sadder if he wasn't going...
His farewell was amazing and I can only post a picture of him with the kids because Joey and I might have been crying like babies during his talk and might look swollen and red in our picture with him....
I seriously feel like he's been gone six months and it hasn't even been two! It's going to be a looooonnnnggg two years. But his letters are great and we are having fun writing him.

Rett started playing flag football for upward! Yay!
And I'm happy to say that he scored his first touchdown this past Saturday! It is really funny to watch these boys play. They all look a little confused when the ball comes their way and flags get pulled by people that aren't even close to the ball. So funny.

Rita is growing and she just needs to stop it! She crawls all over the place getting into all sorts of things. I forgot how busy those babies are! Something is getting broken on a regular basis and she is getting really good at finding anything that is on the floor that can go in her mouth.

And she is turning out to be quite the blondey!