Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Soccer Champ

Lil' Rye guy is playing some soccer these days...
Well, as much as a five year old that has no clue how to play, can play.
Getting some pointers from the coach.
Getting in the zone before going out on the field.

It's hot out there people! He needs his water breaks...

He even has the cutest little cheerleader! Who also cheers for her big brother...

Who happens to be Rye's best bud at church, school, and on the field! These boys are pretty intense together. They love hard, play hard, and fight hard.
The coach has learned the hard way to play them at different times because when they are
hot, tired, and crabby from playing there will be tears and arguing on the field during the game!
But they do love each other most of the time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I want to re-live this day

This guy down here planned such a fun day for us...

He loaded up the boat, boys, bait and brought along the girls.

This would look really yummy if you were a fish.

The three fishermen in my life.
Rita was a trooper with her huge honkin' vest.

They reeled 'em in while I sat back and watched. Loved it.

We caught a whopper...

Love all four of these kids.

There was a dolphin swimming by us...bottom right of the bird.

Joey docked us at a park and the kids played...
She gets her sweet pumping action from me.

Is there anything better than a happy girl?...Oh yeah, and Rita was pretty happy too.

Superman wanted to fly.

My Latin lover.

After the park Joey docked us at a fun restaurant on the water.
We ate and then the kids played in the sand.
There was a live band playing and the weather was BEAUTIFUL.
Can not believe I'm typing this...
but anytime you want to take us fishing Babe, I'm game!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Photography Don'ts

With my new camera in the bag
and inspiration galore
I am ready to be a photographer.

If only it were that easy.
I am pathetic.
It is a s....l....o....w learning process.

So here are tips from a complete novice on what NOT to do.

Don't go outside by yourself with your one year old thinking you'll get stunning photos.

Don't keep calling her name thinking that will get her attention.

Don't get frustrated when everything is coming out wrong.

Don't forget to be aware of clothing craziness and
making your one year old look pregnant.

Thank you, Rita. This is exactly how I feel.

Crawler to Toddler

A little over a month ago Miss Pita stopped doing this...

and this...

and she stopped walking in this...

and started being my little walker girl...

We are so happy/sad about this!